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    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 10. 17:39

    Flight planning for (virtual) airline pilots. After two months of learning I am ready to review Aerosoft’s Professional Flight Planner X.

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    Read my review to know how good and why you need it.In shortIt is an amazing tool! But you need to remember that it is just a tool. It is up to you if you create great and realistic flight plans with it. If you are up to the job – I strongly recommend it. For me, PFPX changed the way I plan my flights. Actually it made me more interested in flying airliners as it positively transformed the entire experience.

    Try it – you will be delighted! What did I gain with PFPX?I like flight planning. For my flights I want to have a serious flight plan that I created, checked and accepted. On the other hand – virtual flying is just a hobby of mine – I do not have hours to plan every flight, I do not have time to collect NOTAMS and METARS from several sources. PFPX gives me assistance that I need. With Professional Flight Planner X I can enjoy a well prepared flight without sacrificing precious time for tedious tasks of collecting and copying data.PFPX gives me freedom – it helps me in what I need, allowing me to take all the tasks that I want to perform myself.

    Additional valueIn March 2015 when I wrote this review in Polish I said:“Pro pilots who cross the Pond often and who know their 777 will surely find some mistakes in my flight plan. Some values that could be corrected or some errors that I made. I am sure of it. But I compare my knowledge now with what I knew two months ago, when I first started using PFPX and I see how much have I learned.

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    I spend hours studying manuals, books and forums (pprune for example) looking for explanations. Some may say that this is a flaw of PFPX – it does not explain everything. I see a value in this – it’s impossible to explain all aspects of flight planning in software manual (it’s not the role of software manual!). I feel that PFPX helped me learn. That is the greates value of this software.Now (December 2015) I can extend this.

    A year ago I rarely flew airliners. I never had time to properly plan a flight and I chose easier flights (easier mainly in terms of data collecting). PFPX changed this – since then I got PMDG 777, 737 and Jetstream and I can say that I enjoy them so much mostly thanks to PFPX that gives me the opportunity to plan my flights properly.

    When I translated this review today – I see several mistakes that I made in this flight plan – today I would plan such a flight a little differently. It is (again) the added value of PFPX – it makes me learn. IntroductionTo make this review and description complete, I need to start with a short story of how I plan my flights. I am one of those “serious” virtual pilots who spend a lot of time planning my flights – I check current weather, forecasts, NOTAMS. I read route descriptions in AIPs and always try to prepare my flight plans as if they were real. That is one of the reasons I flew airliners rarely. With large planes I felt like I hit the wall.

    I was unable to spend enough time for flight planning and such unprepared flights did not make much sense for me.Consider this. A simple flight from Sweden to Portugal. It passes over several countries – each has it’s AIP, some have rules different from the other. In real world – there is a team of airline professionals who support the pilot in flight planning. In FSX or P3D – I am on my own. To create the full flight plan and all necessary documents – it would take hours. Often it would take longer than the flight takes.This is where PFPX comes handy.

    It replaces the team of dispatchers who work for an airline and provides me with data and documents necessary for the flight. I still need to be aware of how the flight plan is created – but I can supervise and direct instead of doing the hard labor. And whenever I feel that I can do something better – I can turn the automation off and make adjustments.Aerosoft’s PFPX is a flight planning software for flight simulator (FSX, P3D, XPlane) users. Virtual pilots and virtual dispatchers use it to create a complete set of documents for an IFR flight. The final “product” looks exactly as the documents that a real pilot would get before a flight.

    Documents contain:. operational flight plan. ICAO flight plan (for ATC). fuel calculation. en route wind data. weather briefing.

    NOTAMs. enroute charts (with winds)But it is not only about the documents. Precise planning process is behind the documents and I often use the following features:. flight schedule management. route planning suggestions (or auto-routing). alternate airport suggestions.

    Eurocontrol’s CFMU flight plan validation. fuel calculation (based on national or regional rules of pilot’s choice). “redispatch” planning.

    real world routes database. schedule import featureFor whom?PFPX is mainly targeted at IFR, commercial pilots. It’s designed for airliner crews and for business aviation pilots.If you fly mostly VFRs or if you fly IFR in Cessna 172 or a similar plane – you will find PFPX helpful but I feel that after first few flights you will also find it too bothersome to use.

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    It’s not a VFR flight planner like SkyDeamon or RocketRoute.One limitation that you need to consider is the list of aircraft that PFPX has proper data for. You can check it.

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    There is also a possibility of downloading user-created profiles from.

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