Warhammer 40k 5th Edition Rulebook Torrent카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 18. 08:47
Hello all,Phat J here to talk about the top 5 units, weapons, and wargear that kept you up at night during the reign of 5th edition 40k.Let’s face it. Most of us spent the majority of 2010-2014 sitting at our computers and whining about the the overpowered stuff in Warhammer 40,000 on sites such as Yes, the Truth Hurts, Bell of Lost Souls, and Dakka Dakka. The sound of furious typing could be heard from space, and as we tilted up our trilby hats to wipe the sweat from our brow, we collectively let the world know that ‘WE DON’T LIKE THING!’, and they shouldn’t either. Yes, 5th edition was plagued by some of the most over powering things the community had ever seen. We need to come together and remember them lest Games Workshop ever decides to try and increase the power level even further. Here are my top 5 nightmares from Warhammer 40,000 5th edition!After a GIS of ‘Party Wolf’Split-Firing Long Fangs – So you are telling me that the Space Wolves had a unit that could fire S8 AP 3 missiles at TWO different targets? What’s next, you’re going to allow giant monstrous creatures that look like vehicles to fire all of their 10 weapons at different targets with each weapon more devastating than the next?!
That would be the day. When this was a thing, people were really fuckin pissed that these dudes were knocking off a couple vehicles a turn, mostly Blood Angel players who were running beardy shit themselves. This was when the split fire rule allowed them to actually split the unit down the middle and fire multiple weapons at different targets, not the single shot split fire we see now that the Space Wolves codex got hit with the nerf bat during the time before the Necron decurion became a thing.Psyflemen Dreadnoughts – Just whose idea was it to give ANYTHING 4 twin-linked S8 AP4 shots? That volume of shots, especially twin-linked, has no business being anywhere near my tabletop.
My buddy Todd once played against someone who had 3 of these, if you can believe it. Those things almost took a couple wounds off of his Daemon Prince. What kind of shit is that? Below the belt, Games Workshop. That was literally the most terrifying thing around back in 5th edition.
It’s laughable now that we have single shot and remove entire units and 60 s6 twin linked units but there was a time when 4 twin linked S8 AP 4 shots made you ‘that guy’.Nob Bikers – Remember this shit? These guys were multi-wound models with a 4+/5+ and of course you had a Painboy in there for some sweet Feel No Pain action. The frosting on this sundae? No wound allocation rules! I remember people having laminated spreadsheets so they could keep track of which models had taken wounds.
You know what would be really bad for a unit like this? Something that could remove entire models with a single die roll. Thank god no one at GW would ever think to do something like that! Can you imagine that? Not me!Grey Knight Paladins – Holy crap, are you telling me there were models with a 2 + armor save that had 2 wounds AND WS5?
Who came up with that ridiculousness? These bad boys not only had the ability to strike at initiative 6 with AP2 power weapons (sigh) but get this, they also were able to fire like 20 S5 Stormbolter shots as well. Did I forget to mention they also had a Psycannon in their squad?
Talk about over powered! Usually someone had like 6 Acolyte squads in Razorbacks with a melta gun or something else devastating so you couldn’t even handle their shit. Like the Nob Bikers you could use the wound allocation shenanigans in 5th edition to make sure the wounds got shuffled around so you didn’t kill off any one model in a single round of shooting.IG Leafblower – Bear with me, but there was a time when mass S8 AP 3 blasts were so terrifying that the rustling of jimmies could be heard throughout the Warhammer 40,000 community. The IG Leafblower for those of you who were not around during 5th edition, was essentially an Imperial Guard army consisting of a mix of codex and Forgeworld artillery tanks with Veteran squads mixed in to pick up objectives. It had Hydras when they were good and was called the Leafblower because it would literally wipe most armies off the table by turn 2 or 3. I myself took an army like this to Adepticon in 2012 and only lost to Albert Fennel and only because he brought his Necrons and made it Night Fight the entire game (yes that was also a thing in 5th) and rained lightning bolts down that smashed most of my tanks turn 1.So there you have it, the top 5 things that kept me up at night during Warhammer 40,000 5th edition.
What were some of the builds, wargear items, or units that gave you the most trouble during this edition? Let us know in the comment section!And as always,You can also pick up some cheap models in our Second Hand Shop.
Some of these gems are quite rare, sometimes they’re fully painted!Posted on November 7, 2016 by in,Tags. Great article! It’s amazing how much can change in just a couple of editions.For me, I remember my Dark Angels codex being absolutely awful, apart from the Standard of Devastation (or Bolter Banner).
I think it was 5th edition where it granted Bolters Salvo 4/2. With careful positioning, three 10-man tactical squads could put out 120 bolter shots. It surprised a lot of people the first time they played it.I look forward to 9th edition where people are reminiscent about the good old days of the Gladius Strike Force and underpowered D weapons we had in 7th. That was early 6th edition, not 5th. The army did okay for a while until SM got released and White Scars totally obviated them.5th Edition Dark Angels were all about the FAQ update that gave them the same universal 3 save from a Storm Shield that other codices got (since prior to that Storm Shield were a 4 that only worked in close combat.) Since their Terminators could take TH/SS as a free swap at that time, you would see armies that were basically just 5-6 squads of guys with 2+/3 saves and a gun here or there dropping in and giving the enemy a bad time. I played mostly against my brother’s Eldar with my SM. I got beaten badly a lot!
The Avatar of Khaine buffed with rerolls on his 4 save given by some Farseer always seemed soooo OP to me! He took a whole squad of Hammer-Terminators as breakfast! The War Walkers with those S6 Lasers pumped out a lot of shots, also with rerolls given by some psypower. They popped my Rhinos and the troops got killed by Fire Prisms. 😉 Aaah, the good ol’ days!The real powersurge began with 5th Edition GK and Necrons later. The real powersurge began with 5th Edition GK and Necrons later.No, people were whining right from the very beginning of 5th.
Initially it was Space Marines (OH MY GOD THEY GET 35pt RHINOS AND BIKES AS TROOPS) and then it was Imperial Guard (VENDETTAS ARE BULLSHIT CHIMERAS ARE BULLSHIT ARTILLERY IS BULLSHIT) and then Space Wolves/Blood Angels (THEY’RE JUST A BETTER VERSION OF SPACE MARINES WTF) and then Tyranids (FIVE TERVIGONS OMG) and Dark Eldar (TWELVE VENOMS?!?!?!?) and Necrons (HOW CAN I KILL AV13 WITH ONLY TEN MELTAGUNS IN MY LIST) and culminating in Grey Knights (20pts FOR A 3+ SAVE MODEL BLARGH UNBEATABLE).Eldar were awful all through 5th Edition. They were occasionally a spoiler army for specific factions, but their expensive vehicles with weak firepower generally meant that they were just spending the whole game zipping around delaying and then desperately hoping that things ended on turn 5 when they Tank Shocked onto objectives. “No, people were whining right from the very beginning of 5th.”I was not talking about when people started whining – I guess they always did. In my humble opinion if you look back and ask yourself: when did things started to get out of hand?
I think of GK and Neuron Codexes of that time.The rest of my post was more written out of my perspective of that time and place. I did not go to tournaments etc etc. I know that Eldar were not a super competitive army at that time but to me as a rookie at that time it seemed so. Not very interesting for other people, maybe But on the other hand I think everybody has similiar memories like going to the store and get beaten badly by “that guy” with an army you are laughing about now. The GK and Necron books never had tournament wins out of keeping with their popularity- they did indeed take some victories towards the end of the edition in big tournaments, but when you have 25-35% of players using the codex, that should be no surprise.
Most armies easily had the tools to deal with both of them when played correctly, though not all- Dark Eldar, Tyranids, and Orks all struggled mightily with GK.Basically, the two books were popular but not exceptionally powerful. As implied by my above post, ALL of the 5th Edition books had a lot of people complain about them when they were released and had a period of time (varying in length) where the Latest Greatest Thing was all anyone talked about and made constant appearances at tournaments. The GK book in particular suffered from poor internal balance (Psybolt is 5pts on vehicles?!), but but fought on pretty even ground with most other books of the time.
Warhammer 40k Rulebook Pdf
Very funny and accurate article. I remember playing against these lists/armies myself in 5th. Grey Knights in particular were annoying and yes, Psydreads were a thing. Mech was huge back in those days in general and I don’t miss that aspect of 40k. Tanks were in general just harder to kill back then.It’s funny to look back and think about how much the game has evolved in just a few short years.
Warhammer 40k 5th Edition
Now there are D weapons aplenty, super heavies capable of obliterating armies and firing multiple weapons and all different units, STR 6 is the new STR 4, etc. I do miss the days of 5th and early 6th edition though.